Boost Your Heart Health With These Ways And Live A Healthy Life 

by Andres nieto

Heart is an important organ of your body. Your life depends on every beat that heart pumps and flows oxygenated blood in your body. You can say that it is a power house that provides energy to the whole body to function properly. As you know that every organ of your body is somehow or the other linked together and if even a single organ stops working, it will break the circuit.  

According to researchers, one in four deaths in United States is the result of heart disease ever year, making it the single leading cause of death for both men and women. The causes of heart diseases are controllable and are your daily habits that could be controlled by putting in some effort. If you are curious about your heart health, here are some ways that can actually help you boost your heart health and you can live a healthy life without any risk.  

Exercises are Helpful 

When it comes to heart’s health, nobody would like to compromise with it. It is very important to go for cardio exercises if you really want to boost your heart health. Exercises like running, swimming or biking are few outdoor exercises that are very good for your heart. Moreover, if you own a gym membership than focus more on cardio exercises as they are mandatory for heart’s health. These exercises will increase your heart rate which is beneficial for you. The heart association recommends people to get a total of at least 150 minutes of physical activity per week or 30 minutes per day. Exercising is one of the ways that can boost your heart health. 

Having Oat Meal as Breakfast 

If you have a habit of eating toasts loaded with butter or something oily, you should avoid it and instead try to have something light and nutritious. Oat meal is one of the best options to replace your oily breakfast. It is full of Omega-3 fatty acids, folate, fiber and potassium and enjoys a longstanding reputation as being heart healthy since ages. According to a study, researchers discovered that eating rolled and steel cut oats reduces levels of LDL cholesterol, which contributes to cardiovascular disease. Today experts continue to suggest people to substitute oats with their breakfast to improve their heart health. You should try it yourself and feel the difference in your health.  

Limit Alcohol Consumption 

Alcohol is being consumed in large capacity today, which has contributed a large figure in death trolls. Alcohol is accessible very easily, everyday you get to see a new bar down the street and with that you can actually estimate how much people are consuming alcohol today. The news about alcohol damages liver is not new but do you know that it can affect your heart too? Too much intake of alcohol on regular basis increases the risk of cardiovascular disease.  If you are health conscious, you must limit your excessive drinking habit to one or two glasses of alcohol per day. Quitting it will rather be more beneficial for you but it is not very easy to quit if you are a regular drinker. Stop consuming to boost your heart health and live a healthy life.  

Eating Fatty Fish 

Stop eating fatty fish if u want to live a happy life.

Eating fatty fish is one of the greatest culinary adjustments you can make to boost your heart health. Fish contains omega-3 fatty acids that are one of the essential nutrients required to keep up your heart health. Fishes in particular, trout, mackerel, salmon, sardines, albacore tuna and herring are all the fishes that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Studies show that omega-3 fatty acids curb inflammation in your blood vessels and lower your triglycerides. Some people don’t like to eat fish and if you one of those people than you can take fish oil supplement to boost your heart health.  

Sodium is a Bad for Heart 

Sodium that is basically salt can increase blood pressure and lead to hypertension and is a major risk factor for heart attack and stroke. The heart association suggests people to consume around 2,300 milligrams of sodium per day but urges to shoot for less than 1,500 milligrams. It is very difficult to avoid sodium intake as it is present in almost every food, so to meet the guidance, you need to take a good hard look at your current intake.  

You should try to keep your heart healthy as it is an important organ and your whole life depends on it. Try some of the above stated ways to boost your heart health and live a healthy life.     

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